Perpetual Care

Willowbrook Cemetery - Perpetual CareWhat is Perpetual Care?

Perpetual Care provides for basic maintenance which includes grass  mowing, weed trimming, tree care (those that are planted by the cemetery) and leaf blowing and removal - in perpetuity.

How Much Goes Into Perpetual Care?

When you purchase burial rights in our cemetery, an additional 20% of the purchase price is added on for Perpetual Care.  Willowbrook also provides for the care and maintenance of the community mausoleums, and the crypts and niches therein. 

Families are responsible for the care of any private mausoleums, monuments/markers/headstones, and any trees, bushes or flowers that they plant. You may refer to the Rules & Regulations of Willowbrook Cemetery for complete details.

What If I Can't Get to the Gravesite for Maintenance?

Some families are not able to visit their loved ones as frequently as they would like, and others may live out of town or state. For those people, Willowbrook outsources a service through TLC Grave Site Maintenance. Whether you are looking to plant flowers in front of a headstone, find care for the existing site’s landscaping, improve the quality of the grave site grass, have flowers delivered for a special occasion, or decorate the site for holidays, TLC can help. They also offer the only ‘Board Approved’ flower program for the community mausoleum.

Willowbrook Cemetery - Perpetual Care